Where to buy Fake Id in the UK

The popularity of novelty and ID fake cards has increased considerably with the rise of the internet. The main factor attributed to this rise is the occasional media attention shed upon the novelty and fake ID companies that manufacture and sell these products over internet.

The media generally make a headline by exposing the sites that are operating as scams. Unfortunately some companies give this niche in the market a bad name and these scam websites offer nothing more than a printed paper card described as a novelty ID.

However, a good quality fake ID card will be far superior to the scammers variants. A quality card can only be produced using high end materials and sophisticated techniques to produce high quality fake ID cards that look authentic. Some people find it difficult to differentiate between the fake ID and real ID cards, and so these cards can really be convincing when playing practical jokes with friends.

As the number of scam websites in operation has increased, many people understandably find it hard to trust internet based companies. This results in some people attempting to create a fake ID themselves at home, using materials easily available from craft stores. Most id type cards now available are of the PVC variety as commonly used in credit card production.

Want to make your own?

For the have a go DIY'er who wants to manufacture their own fake id, easily accessible materials take the form of Teslin, which is a heavy duty type of plasticised paper which can be printed upon using a reasonable quality ink jet printer such as those available from Canon. A lamination pouch is used to provide a durable finish to the card, the outcome of such cards and fake Ids is usually not impressive and the final results can look a bit amateurish.

The best and most cost effective option for most therefore is to order a fake ID from an internet company. Choosing a company is usually the most difficult part, but googling the company name followed by 'scam' will give a general guide to their legitimacy. Generally in the UK there are almost a dozen reputable companies, that will provide authentic looking fake cards and Novelty ID cards at reasonable prices.

We pride ourselves on providing a reliable and excellent service, we supply excellent quality novelty id cards and aim to return orders on the day we receive them.